🥄Spoonie Witch Tips🥄

So, I’ve seen some wonderful posts on magical things to do when you’re low on spoons and I was inspired to do my own as I’m bedridden and bored. I hope this can help some of you the way it’s helped me and feel free to add on, little seedlings!🌿💜

Tea Time☕
You’re going to find a lot of posts on how great tea is for spoonie witches. It’s low energy and our intent is already right there in the blend but what about what’s in the tea? Dunnahh, that’s where me(the botanist) is going to give you a little throw down – if you already know this feel free to skip it. I’ll only be listing my most used teas! Alternatively, you can throw these herbs in a bath for the same benefits and some extra pain relief!💗 You can charge your tea with crystals or make it with moon water.

  • Peppermint Tea is considered a carminative and analgesic, so it reduces the associated pain of cramps, bloating, and indigestion and effectively helps with bowel movements. Purification, love, sleep, healing, divination
  • Chamomile Tea has strong antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties, which are effective in treating stomach cramps and intestinal cramps. Drinking it regularly is said to help with irritable bowel syndrome, gastroenteritis, nausea, cramps, and stomach flu. Money, Love, Sleep, Purification, Happiness
  • Lavender Tea is useful for treating anxiety, insomnia, depression, and restlessness. In addition to helping with digestive issues, lavender is used to help relieve pain from headaches, sprains, toothaches, and sores. Sleep, happiness, peace, longevity, protection, love.
  • Hibiscus tea can give relief from high blood pressure and high cholesterol, as well as digestive system, immune system, and inflammatory problems. It helps in supporting liver function and can help reduce the risk of cancer. It can also speed up the metabolism. Lust, Love, Confidence, Divination
  • Ginger tea

    balances cortisol stress hormone levels, brings blood pressure back to normal, increases the body’s metabolic rate and ups a person’s energy, and is often used in aiding stomach/digestive problems and nausea. Love, Money, Success, Abundance

  • Rose tea can be used to relieve uterine congestion causing pain and heavy periods. It can help with irregular periods, heavy cramps, and fertility. It has an uplifting effect on the nervous system and can relieve insomnia, depression and fatigue. Love, Divination, Healing, Luck, Protection.

Bed Rest Magic🛏️
A lot of us spend days bed(or couch) ridden and it feels like there’s not a lot we can do. It can suck not being able to do magic when you want too so this is a smaller list I compiled of things I do when I really can’t leave the bed. 

  • Bed Magick by @heatherwitch is a fantastic post to reference!
  • Knot magic is a favorite of mine, it’s a good, easy way to practice manifesting intention into each knot or braid and you can stay in bed the whole time! You can use your own hair if it’s long enough or you can use some yarn, hemp, whatever you have laying around. It doesn’t need to be a braid either, sometimes I just tie knots. Each knot or weave is to tie an issue or negative thought away.
  • I like to talk to my tarot decks, sometimes I ask for a story, sometimes for them to say something something positive about me or a strength I have. The same can be said for runes though!

  • Practice yoga in bed, it’s a good way to ground yourself, cleanse, and harvest positive energies. This is a good video to give you an idea of what I like to do to practice.
  • This is a post I wrote specifically for honoring your deities and worshiping while you’re confined to the bed. While you do not need to practice a religion to be a witch I know a few of you are and I find this helpful!
  • You can work on balancing your energy in bed by meditating and working on slow, deep breaths. It’s a good time to be with yourself and practice self love(even though it can be hard when we’re low spoons).

Crystals For Healing🔮
This is a selection of crystals I like to use for healing and what their properties are. If it’s not safe to be included in crystal water I’ll be sure to specify that and anything else I see necessary. You can keep these crystals under your mattress, in a satchel, how ever you see fit!

  • Amethyst – Relieves inflammation, asthma, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, and stress; it can help improve circulation and controlled breathing.
  • Bloodstone – 

    detoxifies the liver, intestines, kidneys, spleen and bladder; regulates and supports blood flow and aids in the circulation, boosts immunity. I love this for digestive disorders.

  • Clear Quartz – Aids concentration, boosts energy, immunity, and the amplifies the properties of all other crystals
  • Hematite – Relieves anxiety, arthritis, headaches, and tense muscles; improves circulation and sleep.
  • Selenite – Aids upset stomach, nausea, cramps, stress, and PMS.
  • Malachite – Aids flashbacks, PTSD, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, and mania; boosts immunity (Do not use in liguid infusions or water).
  • Rose Quartz – Shares a lot of the same properties as malachite and clear quartz but it also helps with nausea, vomiting, headaches, stress; aids fertility and a stable mind. I love this as someone with endometriosis.
  • Labradorite – Improves digestion, relieves stress. Great for UC and Celiac!

Spoonie Blogs I Follow😘
These are just spoonie witch blogs I follow and really enjoy, feel free to include yourself and I’ll edit this with more blog names as the time comes!

@persephoneandthepomegranates @floralwaterwitch @spooniewitches @spooniewitch @spooniestrong @heatherwitch @teapartyforthewitches @theepagangrace @la-petitefille

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