


(In the beginning of Kiki’s Delivery Service, Kiki wasn’t pleased about the black dress her mom had given her… however seems to like it by the end of the film. This is a self confidence spell. )

Things You Will Need:

(1) White or Black Candle (white creates poise and confidence, black increases assertiveness and confidence.)

(1) Mirror (to look at your lovely self, what else?)

(1) Red Ribbon (To connect with kiki, and also because red stimulates confidence and draws attention.) *Can be substituted with any wearable accessory that is red.

How to do the spell: 

set yourself up at your mirror, ground yourself if you wish. Take a moment to look into your own eyes and focus on your intentions. 

Then, light your candle, and grab your ribbon (or other red accessory)

hold the candle in one hand and the ribbon in the other. Imagine the light of the flames surrounding the ribbon. Place the candle down and begin to wrap the ribbon around a place of your choosing (or place your accessory on) and as you are doing so, say:

“With this (accessory) my true form shall appear. A form of greatness, and beauty. A form of strength and care. All of those things are what I am, and what others shall see. Though I am not perfect, I am surely close. My confidence is there, it’s no longer hard to see. My confidence is there, It flows from within me.” 

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