Mama Bree I want to set up a money jar specifically to attract money for top surgery BUT I’ve read that money spells should be considered similar to trickster gods (you may get your money but you may not like where it comes from/you may need it for an emergency/unforeseen expense) what is the safest way to set this up so that I don’t fuck myself up somewhere down the line?



The easiest way to make sure that your money-draw spell doesn’t cause unforeseen trouble in order to bring you the needed funds is to write in a caveat. A caveat is a clause within the working of a spell that closes loopholes or specifies conditions under which the spell’s intent may be fulfilled. They’re very helpful for trickier workings or anything where you suspect the object of the spell might be brought to you through the misfortune of others.

From The Sisters Grimmoire: Spells & Charms For Your Happily Ever After:

If you’re
concerned about the acquisition of luck or of funds causing harm to others, you
can include a single exception charm with your working. Simply meditate upon
the idea of the money coming from a harmless place, or stitch the intention
into a charm bag included with your working, or include an incantation in your
spell to guard against any mishaps.

Such an
incantation might be something like:

Needle, needle, weave your thread
And bind this spoken charm.
This spell will bring me what I need
And it will do no harm.

Reblogging for the evening crowd and all the lovely people in my inbox who have been asking me about safety concerns with money-drawing magic. I hear you, darlings, times are tough and we could all use a boost.

Hope you find it useful! 🙂

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