🕯️Baldr Devotional Tips🕯️

Baldr is son of Óðinn and Frigg, he has numerous brothers, and is god of light, peace,  loyalty, advice, rebirth, and beauty. He is husband Nanna, the god of joy, and their son is Forseti. He rules the most beautiful of Halls in Asgard, Breiðablik(broad-gleaming) and owns the magnifcent ship Hringhorni. Baldr is one of the few gods who face death before Ragnarok. His brother Höðr is tricked into firing a Mistletoe arrow at Baldr by Loki, which results in Baldrs death. It is said in the sagas that he is buried on Hringhorni and buried with Óðinn’s bracelet Draupnir. These are ways I personally honor Baldr and my personal associations with offerings.

  • Read of his stories in the Völuspá,Gylfaginning, the Merseburg charms, and theGesta Danorum. Utrecht Inscription is up for personal interpretation.
  • Use the runes Sowilo, Raidho, Dagaz, or Fehu in your altar or practice.
  • Be kind to someone who it is difficult to show kindness too(this doesn’t mean be a doormat).
  • Enjoy the beauty found in gardens and in nature.
  • Appreciate each moment for what it is and what it brings us.
  • Drink teas of chamomile, marigold, lemon grass, ginger, or echinacea with honey.
  • Practice patience and compassion in your every day life.
  • Light a candle in the dark or on a grey day.
  • Decorate your home in white, gold, warm bright colors that remind you of him,or  images of the sun.
  • Honor him for both his living and dead form.
  • If there’s someone you’ve been wanting to reconcile with, reach out to them in honor of him.
  • Light incense or candles of cedar, bay, chamomile, frankincense, cinnamon, or jasmine.
  • Sacrafice something beautiful in a way that benefits other(i.e. perfect crops for a community meal, donating clothing vs selling it).
  • Leave traditional offerings of mead/alcohol, meat, hearty vegetables, bread, or baked goods.
  • Keep a mini ship or photo of one on your alt in honor of the ship he was laid upon  Hringhorni.
  • Be humbled by his kindness and find gratefulness in everything you do.
  • Offer your tears to Baldur.
  • Use the crystals goldstone, sunstone, selenite, clear quartz, calcite, or rhodonite on your altar/in your practice.
  • Offer an ear or advice to those need.

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