God of War Ramble

God of War goes so hard with the Norse lore. All of the Valkyries they’ve used have been contested in the lore and they did

Göndul soooo good.

Spoilers to mat grinding, nothing plot relevant(minor fangirling over lore)!:

Muspelheim is essentially one big challenge of your strength to grind specific mats for the best gear. You climb this super sick mountain and each level has different foes and challenges(it is v challenging, I’ve only gotten to the second challenge on hard mode and still haven’t beaten the final challenge on easy QQ) ANYWAYS, Göndul is the final challenge and I think that’s super dope. She’s attested to be one of the strongest Valkyries and her fight fucks me up, after beating hundreds of dudes I die to her at the half way mark every time. And her kill animations are sick, bitch(I say this with respect) straight up throws you to the ground and curb stomps you with like one foot stiletto’s and tells you how weak you are.

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