📘Mimir Devotional Tips📘

Mimir of the Aesir, god of

Mímisbrunnr, wisdom, teaching, inland body of waters, traditions, and prophecies.

Mimir is the wisest God of the Aesir, he was sent as a hostage during the Aesir/Vanir war; was beheaded by the Vanir. Odin upon learning this embalmed it with herbs so Mimir would forever be able to give him advice and insight.These are ways I personally honor Mimir and my personal associations with offerings. If you have something negative to say keep it to yourself, these are personal and work for me.

  • Accept that self growth requires introspection and addressing your own flaws and mistakes.
  • A drop of your blood in exchange for his knowledge.
  • Have a traditional bowl of wood, ceramic, stone, etc to make offerings into.
  • Donate books to your local library or children shelter.
  • Have discussions with those around you, push them to think for themselves.
  • Have a bowl of water with you when doing ritual work with him.
  • Vote, a god of wisdom has no room for a person of ignorance and neglect.
  • Decorate your home or altar in blue or white(I use neutral grays/black as an accent).
  • Read. Anything and everything.
  • Light candles or incense of pine, water, rain, any earthy smells that might take him back to his home.
  • Keep some offerings unspoken.
  • Tell him of the happenings in the world around you.
  • When passing a well offer a prayer.
  • Use the runes in your craft or practice, specifically, Ansuz, Dagaz, Ehwaz, Laguz, Mannaz, and Othala.
  • Decorate your home or altar in symbolism of water, wells, fountains, 
  • Never assume you are entitled to his knowledge, even Odin had to give him an eye.
  • Take a break from social media as a devotional act.
  • Play God of War(2018) his representation is amazing.
  • If someone calls you out for being problematic take it is an opportunity to learn instead of being offended.
  • If able plant

    ash trees, celandine, chamomile,and grow mistletoe.

  • Study the Elder Futhark; learn how to properly write them all, what they mean, and how to use them.

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