🍻Ægir Devotional Tips🍻

Ægir(”Ah-jeer”), Ale-brewer of the Vanir: king of the sea, god of the winds, waves, brewing, and propserity. He is sea jötunn, son of the giant, Fornjótr, brother of Kári(wind) and Logi(fire). Married to Rán, they had nine daughters, each characterizing some aspect of ocean waves. It is speculated among some historians that his nine daugthers are the nine sisters that gave birth to Heimdallr. Ægir was gifted a large cauldron by Þórr(Thor), he uses this to brew ale with his daughters throw large feasts with the Vanir and Aesir gods. These are my personal devotional tips to Ægir.

  • Leave him coins and stones found in/near water as offerings.
  • Learn traditional Scandinavian or Icelandic sea shanties,
  • Use the runes Laguz, Pertho, and Naudiz in your altar or devotional work.
  • Offer him mead or ale.
    • Better yet learn how to brew your own mead! While it’s a long waiting period, you can end up with a delicious offering.
  • Visit a source of water near you whether it’s a small stream or the ocean.
  • Put a bottle or bowl of salt water on your altar or in your home.
    • For blóts I like to drop food, coins, etc. in the water.
  • Practice “going with the flow” of life and seeing where the waters take you.
  • Light incense or candles that smell of oak, cedar, ocean, moss, driftwood, rose, or polybody(a type of fern).
  • Donate to corporations that help keep the sea clean and their wildlife safe.
  • Decorate your home or altar in the colors of the ocean, i.e.  turquoise, deep blue, sea green, etc.
  • Pay tribute to his daughters and wive by keeping ten stones/statues/dolls/etc. on his altar ~ be creative! You could just write them on a small piece of paper or carve ten lines into driftwood.
  • Offer to buy your loved ones a round of beer or bring some to a gathering of friends or family.
  • Traditional offerings of bread or meat are always wonderful.
  • On days of heavy wind, devote that day to him.
  • Use the stones coral, turquoise, amethyst, pearls, lapis lazuli, sea glass, blue calcite, or azurite in your altar or practice.
    • Driftwood and sand also make lovely altar additions!
  • Learn about galdr and practice it with Ægir. Sing him songs of the sea.
  • If you’re comfortable with blood offerings, give blood to the ocean or a body of water near you.
  • Volunteer to pick up litter at your local water source whether it’s a dam, stream, lake, etc.

Remember: when it doubt, mead it out!

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