✨Witchcraft and Weaving✨

I’ve received a few asks lately about how I incorporate witchcraft into my weaving. Here are some of my go-to’s for witchy weaving! Feel free to add on whatever tips and tricks you might have.

  • Color! This is probably the most recommended thing you’ll read online and that’s because it’s easy to do and to the point. Consider what you’re weaving and why. Is it a rug to protect your home? A wall hanging to bring in prosperity? Once you know why you’re weaving you’ll be able to narrow down to the colors you need to use. I made a basic list for reference! You can also combine colors for your set purpose. For instance, I have a wall hanging I made that’s a variation of greens and browns in honor of

    Jörð and to help bring good health to my plants.

    • Red: passion, love, creative energy, heat, fire, aggression, warmth, comfort, boldness, power,
    • Yellow: joy, summer, the sun, fertility, harmony, hospitality, optimism, improve concentration and communication 
    • White: cleansing, inviting in good energies, repels negativity, peace, spirituality
    • Green: prosperity, good health, healing, abundance, fertility, freedom, nature, renewal, reassurance, safety
    • Orange: vitality, innovation, energy, fun, friendliness, attract positivity, welcoming
    • Blue: calmness, clear mind, intellect, good for studying, tranquility, refreshing, can also be cheerful like a clear summer sky
    • Purple: divination, magic, peace, intuition, luxury, calming, knowledge, intuition
    • Black: protection, shielding, repelling negative energy, honoring the dead, stability, magic
    • Brown: grounding, evoke nature, relaxation, stability, protective, comfort, fertility, ancient wisdom, centering, warmth, comfort
    • Pink: love, refreshing, self care, youth, compassion, peace, playfulness, harmony
    • Grey: neutrality, balance, calm, empathy, quiet, cleansing
  • Devotional Work! You can create pieces to hang in your home, car, altar, to honor a god you work with. You can also spend the time weaving as a devotional act. Every time I weave I do it in devotion to Frigg, it’s a way to show her my love and appreciation for the things she’s taught me. You can also make it part of ritual if you’re choosing to weave something small that’s only going to a minimal amount of time(aka not days).
  • Patterns! This accounts for a variety of things, for one you can weave sigils, runes, or staves into your piece for a direct magical purpose. You could weave circles to amplify energy, half circles to bring in energy, and lines to move energy. Weaving images that correspond to your intention is another option. For example, if you want to bring in prosperity you could weave images of barley, wheat, mint, or calendula.
  • Incantions! These don’t have to be complicated or long it can be a simple word for each line you make, or “knot” you weave. I usually think of a small spell to say in the beginning and at the end depending on the works purpose. You could sing a song! Be creative with this but honestly you don’t have to do it at all if that’s not your not craft. 
  • You can weave in other materials. This can be a variety of things; a birch twig for fertility, a pine cone for protection, amethyst for divination, the options are infinite! I personally enjoy weaving with twigs and dried herbs the best as they can make your home smell wonderful and they tend to be easier to work with!

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