💟Lofn Devotional Tips💟

Lofn of the Aesir; god of comfort, (forbidden)love, marriages, to some the patron deity of the LGBT, and to me nonconformity. She is attested to in the sagas as being on of Frigg’s handmaiden but some theorists see her as Frigg in one of her disguises .These are my personal associations and devotions with Lofn, please keep any hateful comments to yourself.

  • Practice self love and self care daily.
  • Create a ritual journaling routine even if it’s just the first Friday of every month or every other day. It’s up to you.
  • Use the runes gebo, berkana, othala, and fehu in your practice or altar.
  • Dedicate a piece of Lavender Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, or Pink Calcite jewelry to her.
  • Practice or listen to galdr.
  • Leave traditional offerings to her of sweet wine, milk and honey, pie, birch, roses, baked goods, or your favorite flowers!
  • Leave “untraditional” offerings of your favorite “guilty pleasure” foods
  • Practice healthy and calm communication with loved ones.
  • Volunteer at runaway homes and shelters specifically for LGBT member.s
  • Research glamour magic! If it sounds interesting to you, give it a try and dedicate the spells/rituals to her.
  • Stay community oriented! Invite loved ones over for dinner or a party. If that’s not really your scene go out for lunch with some loved ones
  • Look into shadow work.
    • This is probably going to be debated but hear me out do it in baby steps. Remove that gag and talk to your shadow self. Listen to what it says, it’s probably hurt and angry, sad and lonely. Apologize for your neglect and move forward. She teaches us to love ourselves despite what society might see as “flaws”; our orientations, race, sexuality, identities, some times we have issues addressing and loving this side of ourselves and she(as well as Frigg and the other hand-maidens) is wonderful for this
  • Do not use racial/LGBT slurs and speak out when those around you do.
  • She is often known as “the gentle” or “comforter” so be as kind and gentle to others as the situation permits.
  • Drink floral teas, especially hibiscus, lavender, rose, and meadow sweet but mostly drink the ones you enjoy!
  • Decorate your home and altar in white, pink, soft colors, and silver.
  • Bend your boundaries, leave your box!
  • Use crystals like rose quartz, selenite, dravite, pink and blue calcite, rhodonite, lepidolite, and rhodocrosite in your altar and craft.
  • Pray to Lofn when you need permission, from others or from yourself, to be who you need to be, to be with the ones you love, or to be okay with wanting what you want.
  • Read the few stories where she is mentioned in the Skáldskaparmál, Gylfaginning, and the Skáldskaparmál.

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