🗡️Freyja Devotional Tips🗡️

Freyja of the Vanir, is twin to Freyr, daughter to Njörðr, wife to Óðr, and mother to Gersemi and Hnoss. She is the god of war, death, love, sex, beauty, fertility, gold, and seiðr. She taught Óðinn how to practice seiðr. She is the Queen of the Valkyries and first pick of the dead. She is owner of the boar Hildisvíni, has a cloak of falcon feathers, a chariot pulled by two cats, and wears the Brísingamen, which she paid for by spending the night with the dwarves. It is believed she weeps tears of gold, These are my personal devotional tips to Freyja.

  • Do not declaw her for being a goddess of love and beauty. Recognize her for the god of war that she is, Queen of the Valkyries, and god of the Vanir.
  • Decorate your home or altar with cats, honey combs, horns, or bones.
  • Practice self love in it’s totality, look at where you need to grow but recognize and appreciate your strengths.
  • Offer your pleasures to her ass offering.
  • Carry the crystals(or keep in your home): amber, rose quartz, snow quartz, gold sheen obsidian, labradorite, orange calcite, tangerine quartz, and peridot.
  • Dedicate a piece of jewelry to her in honor of her Brisingamen.
  • Drink floral teas like lavender, chamomile, rose, or jasmine with honey.
  • Read the stories that mention her: Völuspá, Lokasenna, Oddrúnargrátr, Gylfaginning, Skáldskaparmál, Egils saga, Njáls saga, Hyndluljóð, Hálfs saga ok Hálfsrekka, Grímnismál, Sörla þáttr, and Þrymskviða.
  • Use the runes Fehu, Kaunaz, Jera, and Uruz in your craft or altar.
  • Plant alder, apple, birch, bramble, elder, vervain, rose, tansy, lavender, yarrow, or belladona.
  • Dedicate a leg shakin’ orgasm to her.
  • Take a bath in salts, roses, and lavender. Decorate accordingly!
  • Enchant your make up to make you feel beautiful, confident, and strong.
  • Learn self defense or kick boxing; or just do something to help you stay active and strong in her honor.
  • Light incense or candles of rose, honey, jasmine, amber, strawberry, dragon’s blood, or musk.
  • Learn about or listen to kulning and Norwegian throat-singing.
  • If you’re looking for a cat look at shelters and pounds first, rescue a little baby or donate to shelters/vets.
  • Pray to her for your loved ones in battles whether it’s oversees, a disease, or an abusive relationship.
  • Leave her offerings of mead, weed, wine, red velvet, roasted nuts, honey, pork, bread, or chocolate.
  • Explore yourself and your body.
  • Watch movies/tv shows with strong female leads(preferably with none problematic actors) like Wonder Woman, How To Get Away With Murder, Mowana, Queen of Katwe, etc.

2 thoughts on “🗡️Freyja Devotional Tips🗡️

  1. Hate to be that person, but you wrote “Offer your pleasures to her ASS offering” which, admittedly is an amusingly appropriate typo, but I thought you’d like to know 💕


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