Spotting Racism in the Norse Community

I’ve been getting a lot of asks/messages lately from folks who want to practice Norse paganism and join the heathen community but are worried about white supremacist blogs. That’s totally valid - there’s a lot of them and some of them are well hidden under “aesthetic norse” blogs. So, I wrote up a little lists of … Continue reading Spotting Racism in the Norse Community

Healing Through A Miscarriage

I've noticed there's not a lot of discussion on miscarriages, none the less about helping one heal and cope with the loss. I recently went through a (eight week)pregnancy that I lost. It left me reeling for the past two months and I've only recently started feeling like myself again. Recovering from a miscarriage—both physically … Continue reading Healing Through A Miscarriage

👁️Heimdallr Devotional Tips👁️

Heimdallr; god of focus, light, purpose, guardianship, communication, and protection. He is the child of nine maidens and the guardian of Bifrost, the rainbow bridge between Midgard and Asgard. Which is why some believe he is the connection between body and soul. In the Rígsþula - Ríg(Heimdallr) was sent to Midgard as a child to … Continue reading 👁️Heimdallr Devotional Tips👁️

💟Lofn Devotional Tips💟

Lofn of the Aesir; god of comfort, (forbidden)love, marriages, to some the patron deity of the LGBT, and to me nonconformity. She is attested to in the sagas as being on of Frigg’s handmaiden but some theorists see her as Frigg in one of her disguises .These are my personal associations and devotions with Lofn, … Continue reading 💟Lofn Devotional Tips💟

🚫Infertility Spell🚫

This is not a replacement for birth control or condoms! If you’re having sex you should be using protection, you can talk to your local Planed Parenthood about what’s best for you. However, I understand the paranoia of accidentally getting pregnant. I have an IUD and I still get paranoid, this spell is for extra … Continue reading 🚫Infertility Spell🚫

✨Witchcraft and Weaving✨

I’ve received a few asks lately about how I incorporate witchcraft into my weaving. Here are some of my go-to’s for witchy weaving! Feel free to add on whatever tips and tricks you might have.Color! This is probably the most recommended thing you’ll read online and that’s because it’s easy to do and to the … Continue reading ✨Witchcraft and Weaving✨