Sky/Weather Divination ☔️

literature-witch: 🌬 Aeromancy: is divination conducted by interpreting atmospheric conditions. This is divination by observing events in the air or wind including cloud shapes, weather conditions, rainbows, changes in weather patterns, storms, and atmospheric phenomena. Overall, it’s an umbrella term for the rest of these methods of divination. 🌧 Eromancy: divination by means of air and water practiced by … Continue reading Sky/Weather Divination ☔️

Pendulum 101

will-o-the-witch: Alright, pals! Time to learn all about pendulum divination! Strengths:-Pendulums are best known for their ability to give quick yes/no answers! -Pendulums are don’t cost a lot of money and are easy to make.-Pendulums are very easy to pick up and learn quickly… no extensive training needed! Weaknesses:-Pendulums require a steady hand, which some … Continue reading Pendulum 101

a witch’s palm.

magickjustice: palmistry placements that may indicate certain natural traits or abilities related to witchcraft. the mystic cross.“x” shaped cross located between the head and heart lines.indicates that spirituality, witch’s intuition, and acknowledgement of power or ability were understood at a very young age. the psychic cross.“x” shaped cross located beneath: the index finger: blessings from … Continue reading a witch’s palm.

Things to Ask a Diviner When You Don’t Know What to Ask

goddessjadedragon: witchella: So let’s say that you’ve found a diviner that you really like, and you want to get a reading from them, and you don’t know what to ask. Or, let’s say you do your own divination, and you want to ask your cards/runes/other divinatory tool something besides the general reading - some specific information … Continue reading Things to Ask a Diviner When You Don’t Know What to Ask

Types of Divination

secattention: ASTROLOGY is divination using celestial bodies: the sun, moon, planets, and stars. CARTOMANCY is fortune telling using cards such as the Tarot. CLAIRAUDIENCE is “clear hearing” of divinatory information. Parapsychologist generally regard as a form of extrasensory perception. CLAIRVOYANCE is “clear seeing” of divinatory information. Parapsychologist generally regard as a form of extrasensory perception. … Continue reading Types of Divination

Pendulum 101

will-o-the-witch: Alright, pals! Time to learn all about pendulum divination! Strengths:-Pendulums are best known for their ability to give quick yes/no answers! -Pendulums are don’t cost a lot of money and are easy to make.-Pendulums are very easy to pick up and learn quickly… no extensive training needed! Weaknesses:-Pendulums require a steady hand, which some … Continue reading Pendulum 101