Healing Through A Miscarriage

I've noticed there's not a lot of discussion on miscarriages, none the less about helping one heal and cope with the loss. I recently went through a (eight week)pregnancy that I lost. It left me reeling for the past two months and I've only recently started feeling like myself again. Recovering from a miscarriage—both physically … Continue reading Healing Through A Miscarriage

🍄Frigg Devotional Tips🍄

Frigg is the god of swamps, protector of children, god of divination, god of civilaztion, hearth, marriage, weaving, and magic; Mother to all, wife of Óðinn, mother of Baldr and Höðr, she spins the distaff of life, and rules the realm of Fensalir. It is said that Orions belt/girdle is also known as “Frigg’s spinning … Continue reading 🍄Frigg Devotional Tips🍄

//2018, January 13// Oracle of Emanations Curiousity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back. Embrace your desires, urges, and curiosities. There is no reason for you to hold back this weekend. Love freely the next two days and follow your compulsions. ✨

Hi! I gave my very first offering to my gods today – would extra prayer tonight be a good idea to strengthen my bond to them?

Sure! Don’t feel bad if you can’t though, deities(from my experience) will take prayers and thanks at almost any time. For instance I usually say my prayers to Thor when I do the dishes, to Frigg whenever I cook, just do it when you have the time and feel the love for them.🌙