🌾Sif Devotional Tips🌾

Sif; wife of Thor, patron deity of the sexually abused, goddess of harvest, fidelity, wedlock, communication, and hallowing. These are ways I personally honor Sif and my personal associations with offerings. If you have something negative to say keep it to yourself, these are personal and work for me.Be humble and kind.Take confidence in your … Continue reading 🌾Sif Devotional Tips🌾

I love you so dearly. I love the strength in each breath you take, your will that has kept you alive and fighting for so many years, and your roaring spirit. My only hope is that you love yourself enough to rest when your soul needs it; take a breath of fresh air, give yourself … Continue reading

Gay One Word Spells

crypnosis: Per request, one word spell suggestions for all the lovely mlm out there <3. All were composed from Latin words.  Illectomas  To attract male attention. Combination of illecto (entice, allure) and mas (male).  Erepello To repel female attention. Combination of era (lady) and repello (reject, repel, drive back).   Refutodium To repel or stop hate (in … Continue reading Gay One Word Spells

Quick Pick-Me-Up Glamour

mythrilwitch: what you’ll need:🌹rose water facial spray (make your own, or if you prefer I use Mari Badescu Rosewater Spray)🌹rose quartz time of day:🌹full moon how to:🌹set your rosewater facial spray and rose quartz next to each other under the light of the full moon. allow the full moon to charge your spray and the … Continue reading Quick Pick-Me-Up Glamour

🌹Brísingamen Enchantment🌹

In Norse mythology Freyja, Queen of the Valkyries, goddess of love, beauty, and war would wear a necklace known as the Brísingamen. The Brísingamen is a necklace made of the first pieces of amber. It is said to be the most beautiful of jewelry and anyone who wears it will appear beautiful(even Thor).You will need 🌹 … Continue reading 🌹Brísingamen Enchantment🌹

🌟 How To – Glamour Spells 🌟

orriculum: 🌟 what is a glamour? Often used for beauty spells, glamours are a type of spell used for creating an illusion over a person or object. They can be used for a number of purposes, such as to make someone more attractive, appear more confident, to make an object harder to find, or a … Continue reading 🌟 How To – Glamour Spells 🌟

I guess online classes have thanksgiving break too and I had no idea. Y’all my entire evening has opened up. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve had four hours with no work to do? I’m about to get blazed, go to the gym, and come home to a bubble bath and a … Continue reading