🚫Infertility Spell🚫

This is not a replacement for birth control or condoms! If you’re having sex you should be using protection, you can talk to your local Planed Parenthood about what’s best for you. However, I understand the paranoia of accidentally getting pregnant. I have an IUD and I still get paranoid, this spell is for extra … Continue reading 🚫Infertility Spell🚫

✨Witchcraft and Weaving✨

I’ve received a few asks lately about how I incorporate witchcraft into my weaving. Here are some of my go-to’s for witchy weaving! Feel free to add on whatever tips and tricks you might have.Color! This is probably the most recommended thing you’ll read online and that’s because it’s easy to do and to the … Continue reading ✨Witchcraft and Weaving✨

👁️Protection Spell For the Immigrant Children👁️

This is pretty straight forward. Donald Trump is once again putting his life above hundreds of thousands of people. Immigrant children in and coming to the U.S. are being separated from their parents and families while their families are being imprisoned. This is a spell specifically to help the children and their families.What You Need:Sage(can … Continue reading 👁️Protection Spell For the Immigrant Children👁️

💪Fit Witch Tips💪I get a lot of asks asking about fitness witchcraft; what it is, how to do it, tips, etc. So, here is my consensus of witchy work out tips! I think combining witchcraft and fitness is a wonderful thing to do. It can help you stay motivated, get rid of excess energy, and … Continue reading

📘Mimir Devotional Tips📘

Mimir of the Aesir, god of Mímisbrunnr, wisdom, teaching, inland body of waters, traditions, and prophecies. Mimir is the wisest God of the Aesir, he was sent as a hostage during the Aesir/Vanir war; was beheaded by the Vanir. Odin upon learning this embalmed it with herbs so Mimir would forever be able to give … Continue reading 📘Mimir Devotional Tips📘

⚖️Týr Devotional Tips⚖️

Týr is the god of law & justice, rational thought, protection, strength and courage; he is the ancient god of war and the lawgiver of the gods. These are ways I personally honor Týr and my personal associations with offerings. If you have something negative to say keep it to yourself, these are personal and … Continue reading ⚖️Týr Devotional Tips⚖️

🌙Mani Devotional Tips🌙

Mani; god of the moon, brother to Sol, protector of the sleeping, of children, of the mentally ill and of good dreams. These are ways I personally honor Mani and my personal associations with offerings. If you have something negative to say keep it to yourself, these are personal and work for me. Educate yourself … Continue reading 🌙Mani Devotional Tips🌙