🚫Infertility Spell🚫

This is not a replacement for birth control or condoms! If you’re having sex you should be using protection, you can talk to your local Planed Parenthood about what’s best for you. However, I understand the paranoia of accidentally getting pregnant. I have an IUD and I still get paranoid, this spell is for extra … Continue reading 🚫Infertility Spell🚫

👁️Protection Spell For the Immigrant Children👁️

This is pretty straight forward. Donald Trump is once again putting his life above hundreds of thousands of people. Immigrant children in and coming to the U.S. are being separated from their parents and families while their families are being imprisoned. This is a spell specifically to help the children and their families.What You Need:Sage(can … Continue reading 👁️Protection Spell For the Immigrant Children👁️

⚔️Intimidation Powder⚔️

thewitchofthenorse: A powder made to enhance your aura making it more intimidating and vicious. It’s super helpful in warding off unwanted conversation or looks from men. ⚔️ Gather the ingredients: a black or white candle, dragon’s blood(this could be an incense to light, a candle, powder, I just think it adds to the fierceness),black tourmaline(or … Continue reading ⚔️Intimidation Powder⚔️

🐕 💀 Cerberus Curse 💀 🐕

orriculum: a curse that falls upon those who attempt to hurt something under the Plutonic Protection Spell, and sets Cerberus on their ass until they back off 🐕 often called the “hound of Hades”, is a multi-headed dog, who guards the gates of the underworld 💀 gather: scale (sequins are a replacement) dog fur (preferably … Continue reading 🐕 💀 Cerberus Curse 💀 🐕

⭐️An easy ‘pick me up’ energy spell!⭐️

witch-vomit: I like to do this spell when I’m feeling a little low and need a push of energy to help me complete my tasks. If you find yourself needing a little help when you’re low on spoons, maybe this could help you! 🌻 Yellow candle ⭐️ White glitter 🌻 Annointing oil of choice ⭐️ … Continue reading ⭐️An easy ‘pick me up’ energy spell!⭐️