Gay One Word Spells

crypnosis: Per request, one word spell suggestions for all the lovely mlm out there <3. All were composed from Latin words.  Illectomas  To attract male attention. Combination of illecto (entice, allure) and mas (male).  Erepello To repel female attention. Combination of era (lady) and repello (reject, repel, drive back).   Refutodium To repel or stop hate (in … Continue reading Gay One Word Spells

Quick Pick-Me-Up Glamour

mythrilwitch: what you’ll need:🌹rose water facial spray (make your own, or if you prefer I use Mari Badescu Rosewater Spray)🌹rose quartz time of day:🌹full moon how to:🌹set your rosewater facial spray and rose quartz next to each other under the light of the full moon. allow the full moon to charge your spray and the … Continue reading Quick Pick-Me-Up Glamour

Powder to Repell an unwanted Lover

recreationalwitchcraft: This banishment powder will send away an unwanted lover or suitor. Dust it on your body when going out or sprinkle it around your doorways and windows.The rind of a orange, burnt and ground to ashBlack salt, ground to a powderDried rose petals, burnt to ashTo target a specific person:  Write their name on … Continue reading Powder to Repell an unwanted Lover

🌹Brísingamen Enchantment🌹

In Norse mythology Freyja, Queen of the Valkyries, goddess of love, beauty, and war would wear a necklace known as the Brísingamen. The Brísingamen is a necklace made of the first pieces of amber. It is said to be the most beautiful of jewelry and anyone who wears it will appear beautiful(even Thor).You will need 🌹 … Continue reading 🌹Brísingamen Enchantment🌹

💫 Venus Transformation Glamour 💫

orriculum: inspired by sailor moon, a glamour to transform the perceptions of the ordinary to beautiful and powerful 💫 if you want to use a wand or similar tool, feel free 💫 gather: almond apricot, holly and daisy.  💫 with each the almond, apricot, and holly trace a circle in the air around yourself, encircling … Continue reading 💫 Venus Transformation Glamour 💫