Witch Tip #5 – Mighty Timer

persephoneandthepomegranates: About a week ago, I found this amazing app that is good for any witch to have. It’s called Mighty Timer and it’s a timer for your tea!Looks cute from the start right? Well it get’s even cuter!THE CUP FILLS UP AS IT BREWS!!!! 😍It comes with some basic teas like Black Tea and … Continue reading Witch Tip #5 – Mighty Timer

the-whimsical-wiccan: Centering TeaTo ground yourself and strengthen your energy before spellwork. Needed Materials:☕Black Tea- For Grounding☕🌿Cinnamon- For Strength and Calm🌿🌿Allspice- For Strength🌿🍬Sweetener of Choice- For non-bitter tea🍬 Casting Instruction:Brew the black tea alone. Put the brewed black tea in your cup. Put the sweetener in as well. Sprinkle first the cinnamon with your right hand, while … Continue reading