A lot of my informational posts lately have been by request and I’m thinking about switching it up! I of course love helping everyone but the past month has just been posts people have asked for and I want to finish up one of the ones I’m excited for. 🙈 So, my loves, beginner fit … Continue reading

I love you so dearly. I love the strength in each breath you take, your will that has kept you alive and fighting for so many years, and your roaring spirit. My only hope is that you love yourself enough to rest when your soul needs it; take a breath of fresh air, give yourself … Continue reading

Good morning babies! ☕️I’m super excited about it being Saturday despite a) having endometriosis and being off birth control(hello three week long period 😎) b) apparently losing my voice and having a sore throat!I hope everyone else is feeling better on this Saturday. I’ll be looking to make some tea and watch movies with the … Continue reading