🍄Frigg Devotional Tips🍄

Frigg is the god of swamps, protector of children, god of divination, god of civilaztion, hearth, marriage, weaving, and magic; Mother to all, wife of Óðinn, mother of Baldr and Höðr, she spins the distaff of life, and rules the realm of Fensalir. It is said that Orions belt/girdle is also known as “Frigg’s spinning … Continue reading 🍄Frigg Devotional Tips🍄

⭐Nótt Devotional Tips⭐

Nótt is the goddess of wisdom, the night, family, and serenity. These are ways I personally honor Nótt and my personal associations with offerings. If you have something negative to say keep it to yourself, these are personal and work for me.Go for a walk when the stars are out(if it’s safe).Use the runes Ansuz, … Continue reading ⭐Nótt Devotional Tips⭐

🌊Rán Devotional Tips🌊

Rán is married to Aegir and is the is the god of storms, seas, and the drowned dead. These are ways I personally honor Rán and my personal associations with offerings. If you have something negative to say keep it to yourself, these are personal and work for me.Take a small vacation to the seaside … Continue reading 🌊Rán Devotional Tips🌊

Do you know of any podcasts that talk about the Norse gods/goddesses? I’ve been trying to learn more about my gods/goddesses but I rarely have time to read, so it would be awesome to be able to listen about them and work!

Thank you for asking this! I’ve been meaning to post links to some of the podcasts I like but I’m such a lazy piece of shit. Jason on Myth Podcats has a few Norse ones I super adore, he doesn’t make them frequently though so it’s a shame. He does tend to be pretty responsive though … Continue reading Do you know of any podcasts that talk about the Norse gods/goddesses? I’ve been trying to learn more about my gods/goddesses but I rarely have time to read, so it would be awesome to be able to listen about them and work!