Shop Newsletter🔮✨

Hello, my friends!As a few of you may know I’ve been toying with the idea of a newsletter for Fae in the Forest for a couple of months. I’ve finally decided to go through with it at the start of the new year as a way to push myself as a business owner and to … Continue reading Shop Newsletter🔮✨

Starting A Witchy Business🌙

I frequently get asks and messages in my inbox about how I went about starting my business and what advice I have other witches looking to start a business. To be very, very frank with you I was on drugs the entire time I started this shit and going through some wild trauma so I … Continue reading Starting A Witchy Business🌙

Hey hun! I have a question for you. I know you know that I am pregnant. I’m not sure if you saw but I’m having a girl. What I am wondering is if you could possibly make like a baby blessing candle kit. I love the mermaid self care kit you have and I was curious to see if you could make me something for next year when she is born. Of course I would pay you for the special request, I’m not sure if you take requests but worth asking! There’s no rush either. I hope you are having a beautiful day ❤

ADRIANNA!! I didn’t!! Congrats, that’s so exciting! 🙈 And I would be completely honored to make you a little baby blessing candle kit! If you want to go ahead and shoot me a message on my Etsy we can discuss everything you may want and work something out. 💛 You’re going to be an amazing … Continue reading Hey hun! I have a question for you. I know you know that I am pregnant. I’m not sure if you saw but I’m having a girl. What I am wondering is if you could possibly make like a baby blessing candle kit. I love the mermaid self care kit you have and I was curious to see if you could make me something for next year when she is born. Of course I would pay you for the special request, I’m not sure if you take requests but worth asking! There’s no rush either. I hope you are having a beautiful day ❤