Shop Newsletter🔮✨

Hello, my friends!As a few of you may know I’ve been toying with the idea of a newsletter for Fae in the Forest for a couple of months. I’ve finally decided to go through with it at the start of the new year as a way to push myself as a business owner and to … Continue reading Shop Newsletter🔮✨

New Year, New You Tarot Spread

Thank you to @danielleybelly for inspiring me to create this spread! 💜This spread can be used for oracle or tarot. I would advice against using runes because it’s a bit too large and can really jumble up the reading. It’s sole intention is to help you understand how you can grow into the best you … Continue reading New Year, New You Tarot Spread

I love you so dearly. I love the strength in each breath you take, your will that has kept you alive and fighting for so many years, and your roaring spirit. My only hope is that you love yourself enough to rest when your soul needs it; take a breath of fresh air, give yourself … Continue reading